Pigs, Dogs, & Sheep

Pigs: Hypocritical, self-righteous, authority figures
Dogs: Aggressive ruthless cutthroats
Sheep: Mindless followers
We are a nation of sheep, owned by pigs, ruled by dogs...

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Liberal Weiners and Right Wing Nut Jobs

The first presidential debate aired on September 30th from Florida...
I watched the debate with my roommates...

I thought both Bush and Kerry did a great job...
They kept repeating things though...recycling ideas, but it's good though, if people don't know about the foreign policy issues, they should have a better understanding now...
They both agree that nuclear proliferation is the United States' greatest threat...

Bush is definitely more about offense...offense, offense, offense...ignore the United Nations and just blow shit up to "spread freedom"...
Kerry is more about defense, working with other countries and improving America's image...forming better alliances...I hope he won't make America look like assholes...
War should be a LAST RESORT...

I was waiting for George W. Bush to do something embarrassing or stupid, but he presented himself pretty well...he still prefers 'nucular' over 'nuclear'...but I won't hold his grammar against him...

But I will hold his actions against him...
Think about this George, can you confidently say that the world is safer without Saddam?
Is it really? Beheadings are sure gruesome as hell, so are the soldiers that are dying more and more each month, and people still live in fear...
But don't worry, just send more troops in...it ain't your sons that are going to war...
What about Osama?
What about Iran?
What about North Korea?
Why are you wasting our time and money in Iraq?
But hey, we can't leave now, we broke it, now we gotta fix it...

LEHRER: You have said there was a "miscalculation" of what the conditions would be in postwar Iraq. What was the miscalculation, and how did it happen?

BUSH: No, what I said was that, because we achieved such a rapid victory, more of the Saddam loyalists were around. I mean, we thought we'd whip more of them going in.

Rapid victory? Ha...

BUSH: And now we're fighting them now. And it's hard work. I understand how hard it is. I get the casualty reports every day. I see on the TV screens how hard it is. But it's necessary work.

It's hard work. But, again, I want to tell the American people, we're doing everything we can at home.

Yeah, it IS hard work, but how would YOU know? Have you even served on the National Guard? Because they're having a little problem with the authenticity of the documents...
Being president is hard work...it's hard work mommy...boo hoo hoo...

You better have a president who chases these terrorists down and bring them to justice before they hurt us again.

He is basically using a scare tactic...you need a president that is tough on terrorism, if you don't vote for me another 9/11 will happen...
Let's scare people into voting for me...
Keep the people in fear, then they will obey...

It was expected that Bush would take shots at Kerry for changing his mind on the war...
But I thought Kerry handled it well...saying that Saddam was a threat, but we should've waited for the support of other countries...
Kerry is more for countries working together as a whole, which I like...

If I could give advice to John Kerry I'd say to stop being fake...
Conservatives are saying that you aren't tough enough on terror...but that doesn't mean you have to say things like "I will hunt down and kill the terrorists, wherever they are..."
That obviously isn't you, you don't have to appear all "macho" to gain appreciation from the right-wing....
Just be yourself goddammit...please...

Bush Kerry

"Of course we're after Saddam Hussein -- I mean, bin Laden." ~George W. Bush

"Invading Iraq in response to 9/11 would be like Franklin Roosevelt invading Mexico in response to Pearl Harbor."

Sorry for that liberal rant...I'm done...

"Ev'rybody's talkin' 'bout
Revolution, Evolution, Masturbation, Flagellation, Regulation,
Integrations, mediations, United Nations, congratulations
All we are saying...is give peace a chance..."

~John Lennon, "Give Peace A Chance"


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