Pigs, Dogs, & Sheep

Pigs: Hypocritical, self-righteous, authority figures
Dogs: Aggressive ruthless cutthroats
Sheep: Mindless followers
We are a nation of sheep, owned by pigs, ruled by dogs...

Monday, January 24, 2005

Snow, Hot Dogs, and Weed Controversy

At this very moment I have The Russian Revolution by Sheila Fitzpatrick opened up to page 27...but I'm not reading it, obviously...the words stopped making sense pages ago...
When you're reading a book you have to have your full concentration and you have to process the sentence as a whole...if you're not focusing, then it will only seem like jumbled words on a page...and you'll read and re-read the sentence over and over again....not absorbing anything...
This happens a lot to me because I think too much, my mind is constantly wandering, thinking....it's either that or I have ADD....

Also I have headphones on, but no music is currently blasting through them...it's a weird thing I do sometimes...I put on headphones and read without music...that's so people won't talk to me while I'm reading....I can't be bothered right now...
I find that headphones are effective in keeping your ears warm...

Hmm...what else?
Ryan my roommate is reading a book 10 feet away from me on my right...things are kinda awkward right now....my roommates just had a discussion that left a big schism in 705...I'll get into that later...
Then Allie is reading like 5 feet behind me...I'm really glad she's in my Russian class because I've lost her as a chem study partner (she's not taking Gen Chem II)...she's just an awesome person and I have so much respect for her....*sigh*
Eddie is Christina's room right now...
And Steve and Kenny are at Avalon, it's Gay Night...and Kenny is NOT gay by the way...

Anyway, yeah...big blizzard...I love the snow the city looks gorgeous when it's covered in a thick blanket of snow...went to Horace Cafe in Alphabet City with Steve and Ken yesterday...it was good...
Afterwards we went to a place with a giant sign that said "Belgian Fries"...I confused it for this other place Pomme Frites (which I'm sure is much nicer)....
This Belgian Fries place was really shady....a tiny room about 6 feet wide with this small old man that appeared to have Parkinson's Disease...got fries and a hot dog...while I was eating the hot dog, a man came in with his dog...it was a pitbull or something and it jumped on top of me trying to get my hot dog...I should've kicked the dog in the balls, but it was female, so yeah, it wouldn't really help....

Came back and watched Garden State, which is an amazing movie...
Funny to see Christina drunk...she's normally the type of person that's against drinking and cursing...but a little ethanol in her system and she cursing all over the place and being perverted...
Watched The Wall with Ken...went to bed around 5am...

Today, there was a conflict between my roommate, with me ending up being in the middle, acting as a "fulcrum" to their balance...
On one side you have Eddie and Ryan, against marijuana....then on the other side you have Kenny and Steve, obviously for it....and you've got me in the middle....forced to choose sides...
Eddie doesn't want anyone smoking inside 705...Steve and Kenny were trying to convince him to let them smoke in Mr. Ball's room aka the closet aka "the Anti-Chamber"...
"Well Julian, what do YOU think?"
"Uh, yeah thanks a lot..."
Yeah, and now I feel like both sides hate me...
So far, I've managed to avoid pot...I'm just not ready for it...I've been offered countless times...and I've just had to say no...I remember that one time in Eric's room that Allie and Anya said, "if you smoke, we'll both hook up with you..."
Let me just say that...that was fucking MEAN...it pained me to say "no", but I did anyway...I had to....
Why haven't I tried it yet? Because I'll end up liking it...as a matter of fact, I'll LOVE it, I know I will...I just don't want it to become a habit...
Yeah, so for now, no, but things can change in the blink of an eye...

I fucking hate having to choose sides...I really thought that college was going to be a lot different than high school, seems like I was wrong....I'm see a lot of the same issues and themes pop up, again and again...
There are certain things that I just can't escape from...

"No family life, this makes me feel uneasy,
Stood alone here in this colony."
~Joy Division, "Colony"


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