Pigs, Dogs, & Sheep

Pigs: Hypocritical, self-righteous, authority figures
Dogs: Aggressive ruthless cutthroats
Sheep: Mindless followers
We are a nation of sheep, owned by pigs, ruled by dogs...

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

New Blog!

Ok, this is my new blog/journal...(it's only my 4th one)...
Very weird writing again, must get back into the swing of things...

Blogger is good, a lot more features...like for instance I can post pictures from my digital camera directly in here...I could save entries as drafts and search through old entries....I could post through e-mail (I don't know why I'd do that)...I don't need to use html at all...so putting links, pictures, and changing font isn't a pain in the ass like it once was...

Let's see...what happened since the last time I wrote? Not much...um...I graduated high school...college orientation was fun...so was prom...still work as CVS (leaving in a week or so)...oh yeah, I turned 18...just trying to have as much fun as possible before I have to leave for college :(

Nunes came back from Penn State...
We tried to surprise him with lumberjacks, druggies, and mohawks...

I've learned that my limit for White Castles is eight...
Also that it IS possible to eat an entire crave case (makes me sick just thinking about it)

Yesterday, the movies that I ordered came in, Bowling for Columbine and A Clockwork Orange...
Watched Bowling first...good stuff...really makes you think, why is gun-related murder so high in the US? It's cause of the media...trying to scare us...in Canada their evening news is about unicorns and rainbows...those Canadians don't live in fear, they don't need to lock their doors...
Funny...right after the movie I flipped to Channel 7 and I hear: "Possible terrorist plot! Stay tuned..."

Today, I watched Clockwork...one of the craziest movies I've ever seen...
I must be insane because the "ultra-violent" scenes aren't so violent to me...so desensitized...it's not good...
When it first came out in the 70s, it had an X rating...Kubrick then edited 30 seconds of the film and the rating dropped down to R...
I wonder what he changed around...

Hung out with JoMo, Mike, Nunes, Dan, and Raul...
JoMo bought "Freakin' Nuts"...imported from Mexico...

Freakin' Nuts

Green tea is good stuff...makes your pee-pee hard...ok...uh...yeah...
That's enough writing for one night...

"Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending...
That everyone’s expendable and no one had a real friend..."

~Pink Floyd, "Dogs"


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