Pigs, Dogs, & Sheep

Pigs: Hypocritical, self-righteous, authority figures
Dogs: Aggressive ruthless cutthroats
Sheep: Mindless followers
We are a nation of sheep, owned by pigs, ruled by dogs...

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

College Life So Far...

We left the morning of the 28th...
Mom, Dad, Uncle, and Angela (I really should be calling her "aunt" but I've always known her as Angela, and "aunt" wouldn't stick to me)
Got there early and they helped me settle in...
A huge line for the elevator...people bringing everything imaginable...
We took the stairs...seven flights of stairs, that was fun...

My roommates didn't come in yet...but my suitemates did, Kenny and Eddie...both from Staten Island, they were cool....
Steven came in next, then Ryan...
Unpacked everything...then basically I went back home because I needed a new computer...

Somehow Raul and Dan heard that I was back in town so they called me at around 11 to hang out...
Hung out at The Cup...spicy fries, chicken fingers, Radiohead-ish guy...
Then we just talked in front of Raul's house, with his brother and Nicole too, until 2am...
Dad drove me back the next day...
The G.O.P is in town with the Republican National Convention...
I've been seeing protesters all day...with anti-Bush shirts, flags, signs...someone even had a Bush puppet...

Dorming is different....especially with a triple-double suite....5 guys and 1 bathroom...
Gotta learn how to share....tough for me cause I'm an only child...
I'll get used to it...
Every dorm at NYU has a theme...
The theme at Brittany Hall is "old skool"...so every floor is decorated with old skool stuff...
I just realized that I love spelling school that way...skool...skool...god, I'm such a dumbass...
Yeah, so the 7th floor is the Ninja Turtle floor...the doors have Ninja Turtle nametags on them....
I'm Donatello...
I know the 6th Floor is the G.I. Joe floor...don't know about the others...I just wanna go in the elevator and check every floor out...but that would just piss people off...

Meeting new people, being away from parents, and just living in the city...it's great...
No one to tell me what to do....
But I'd say NYU is very impersonal...such a fucking large class...you could meet a nice person one day, and never see her/him again for a few days...
Yeah, I feel lonesome sometimes...I know I live 40 minutes away, but I miss everyone back home...I miss my dogs...I miss my room....I miss my bed....but strangely...I haven't missed my parents....yet....you see, that hasn't kicked in yet...

The RAs, Brian and Roy, are cool...
I like their "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil Policy"
Floor 7! WHOOOO!

Had a talk with the roommates about all sorts of issues...
Just lay everything out on the table right now...
People staying over, privacy, what can/can't be borrowed...
Nothing's set in stone, but we have a good idea...
"I cannot WAIT to use our privacy rules!" ~Kenny

God bless the girls at NYU...I love 'em...why are girls so beautiful?
I probably won't get anywhere anytime soon...cause I just can't talk to girls...it's not my thing...god, I'm such a virgin...
I should've started to hit on girls in 6th grade...no, wait...earlier maybe....a pimpin' 3rd grader...
Then it would be a lot easier now...
Fuck, I'm just going to go for it, cause I got nothing to lose....
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take..." ~Wayne Gretzky

You meet some pretty interesting people here....
I met a self-hating Asian...
He's half Japanese and he can openly admit to hating Asians...
I'm thinking to myself...shit man, have some pride...He asks me "What are you?"
A great question...What ARE you?...yeah...
That question is usually followed by "Where the hell is Burma/Myanmar?"
Told him I was Chinese and Burmese...to which he replied something like, "it's all the same to me"...
How sad...

I'm trying to be involved and go to these welcome week activities...they're all free...
I went to the Coffee House where this crazy Jazz band from Tisch played....they were insane...
Drinking coffee at 11pm was a bad idea...
I still can't believe that I bought a ticket to a Broadway show for $15...going to see "Wicked"...
I went to a hypnotist show...that was awesome....I don't get how hypnotism work...but I'm a believer now...
That thing Joe told me a while ago....while he's driving and he doesn't remember what happened in the past 10 minutes....the hypnotist said that's a pretty common thing...a hypnotic state...
The things he made people do, it was freaky...snakes, seatbelts, MTV dance party...

Today we tried to go to "Dude, Where's My Class", but no one was there....we walked around finding the buildings ourselves...
Went to a lecture/discussion on college activism...
Bobst library tour...
Possibly the Poetry Slam tonight? I have to check out Coles Sports Center and Palladium later...
I'm probably not going to kayak in the Hudson River...

I think I've learned plenty of things already, and classes haven't even started yet...

Accordion Crimes Progress: Fuck it all (I'm off to a great start already)
(roommates didn't finish it, so I don't feel that guilty)

Things I still need
1. Refrigerator
2. Microwave
3. Easy Mac
4. Headphones
5. Bob Dylan CDs
6. My acoustic guitar
7. A new desklamp, cause mine is a halogen lamp...a fire hazard...

"Yes, they’re sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it’s better than drinkin’ alone"
~Billy Joel, "Piano Man"


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